Cable & Dynamic Bracing

Not all troublesome trees have to be immediately removed or taken apart.

Sometimes trees can face compromised structural integrity due to issues like poorly tapered extended limbs, pests, fungal infections, aging or stormy weather. Integrating cabling and bracing techniques along with tree pruning can offer reinforcement against potential structural vulnerabilities.

This approach lessens the chances of failure and could potentially prevent the necessity for limb or tree removal. Furthermore, this serves as an added “fail-safe” measure, acknowledging that no tree is entirely immune to risks. Occasions like strong storm events, for instance, the cabling and bracing systems can often support or catch any failures, potentially preventing property damage or harm to individuals.

Prestige Pruning Tree Management offers an array of bracing options, encompassing Dynamic Bracing, Steel Cable Bracing, and Steel Rod Bracing, to address these concerns effectively.

Bracing of any kind should be inspected and adjusted every 2 years by a qualified Arborist and replaced when they pull too tight to adjust, or every 5 years.

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Prestige Pruning Trucks

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0439 866 225

Servicing all of Metropolitan Melbourne